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Basics for Team Owners and Full Access Team Members
29 articles
Preview Mail
How do I delete a mail template?
How accurate is your data?
How do I view the mortgage information for my deal?
How Do Marketing Credits Work?
Does DealMachine have accurate info?
How do I view the property information for my deal?
Sending Mail To Corporate Owned Properties (LLC)
How do I view the sale information for my deal?
Team Roles and Permissions
How To Filter
How can I edit the columns in the Leads view?
Create and Delete Property Tags
Custom Lead Fields
How to Search Multiple Zip Codes, Cities, or Counties at Once in DealMachine
How do I rename a List?
How to Save Filters
How can I export my leads?
How to Delete Lists
How to Export Driving Routes
Understanding Tax Delinquencies
How to Use the DealMachine API