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DealMachine Dialer: FAQ
Updated over a week ago

Billing and Charges

How does billing work?

Calls are charged per minute. It is $0.06/min on the Starter, $0.05/min on the Pro, and $0.04/min on the Teams Plan. Charges are rounded up to the nearest minute per call.

For instance, if you have the Starter plan, you'll be charged $0.06 even if the call is under a minute. A 5-minute call would cost $0.30.

Unlock unlimited minutes of calls instead of paying by the minute by purchasing a Dialer License. For more details, visit our pricing page.

How are AI voicemails billed?

AI voicemails are billed at $0.08/voicemail for the Starter, $0.07/voicemail for the Pro, and $0.06/voicemail for the Teams Plan.

Drop unlimited AI Voicemails instead of paying for each by purchasing an AI Voicemail License. For more details, visit our pricing page.

Am I charged for inbound calls/texts?

You are not billed for inbound calls or texts, only outbound calls.

What is a Dialer or AI Voicemail License?

A license is a $99/month per user add-on that allows unlimited calls instead of being billed x cents per minute. Similarly, for AI voicemails, the license is $99/month per user instead of x cents per AI voicemail. For more info, click here.

Calling and Dialing Features

Is there a limit to how many phone numbers I can call per session?

Yes, you can call up to 1000 contacts per session. This limit applies to contacts, not properties.

How do you determine if it's outside the permissible calling hours?

We use the phone number to determine if it's outside the hours we can call.

How do I know what outbound phone number I am using at a given time?

The phone number you are calling from will be displayed in the dialer window the entire time so you can include it in your message. It looks like this:

Can I filter my leads in the follow-up queue by the result of the last call that was made to them?

Your follow-up queue is automatically sorted in a way. We will add more filters and additional features in the future.

Is there an option to record calls?

Currently, call recording is not available.

If I initiate a call to a list, will it immediately ring all the phone numbers on that list?

The dialer allows you to select multiple leads or an entire list of leads and place them into a call queue. The system will then dial each contact individually as you progress through the list.

How does the AI handle voicemail scripts regarding addresses and names?

Alma is given prompts to naturally incorporate the address and name into the voicemail script.

Why does my phone number change between calls?

You're assigned a number based on the area code of the number you're calling. If a number from that area code isn't available, you'll get one from a nearby area code. Additionally, each number can only make 80 outbound calls a day to avoid being marked as spam. If you go over 80 calls, you'll be assigned a new number.

I am trying to call my phone number to test the dialer but I am getting an error message. Why is that?

If you are trying to call the same phone number as your callback number in your dialer settings, the system won't be able to connect the call. This is because the call will be forwarded to your callback number, resulting in an error message. We recommend changing your callback number to a different one before trying again.

Why am I not being assigned a call tracking number from the area code I requested?

In some cases, particularly in major cities or older area codes, there may be no available numbers to assign within those specific codes. Instead, you will be given a number from an adjacent area code. For example, while Indianapolis’s primary code is 317, if no numbers are available, you would be assigned a 765 number.

Can I export the call transcriptions?

Currently, exporting call transcriptions is not available. However, you can view the summary and transcription of each call in the activity section within the lead card.

What’s the difference between a Warm Lead and a Hot Lead?

DealMachine determines if a lead is warm or hot based on an analysis of the call with the associated contact. If a contact is interested in selling their property at all, DealMachine will mark it as a Hot Lead. Any response that merits a callback is considered a Warm Lead. If the response is vague, it will default to a Warm Lead.

Why am I seeing a message about allowing mic access?

The message about allowing mic access shows up because you haven't given your browser permission to use your microphone. This access is required for making calls. You may change this setting in your browser's Security Settings.

Permissions and Team Management

Can I assign a list to a team member to call later?

No, you cannot currently assign call lists to team members.

Can I assign a callback number to each of my team members?

Yes, each user can have their own callback number. The default is the team owner's phone number.

Can anyone on my team make calls?

Team Partners and Admins can be granted access to the dialer. To enable this, click your picture or initials at the top right corner, navigate to Teams, select their name, and toggle on the "Can Use Dialer" option. Note that Drivers will not have access to the dialer.

Inbound Calls and Callbacks

When I leave AI voicemails, what does it put as my callback number?

For every call made using the DealMachine dialer, a phone number is assigned based on the area code of the number you are calling. When you leave an AI-generated voicemail, the callback number will always be the same as the callback number that you set in your Dialer Settings.

Can inbound calls leave voicemails?

Yes, inbound calls can leave voicemails, but only if the forwarding line has a voicemail service. There is no voicemail feature in DealMachine as of this writing.

Will callbacks ring on my mobile phone since they’re forwarding?

Yes, calls will ring on your mobile phone.

Can I use Google Voice as my callback number?

You can use Google Voice or any other US phone number as your callback number.

If someone calls me back on my phone, will DealMachine take note of my calls/update my leads?

Yes, DealMachine will take notes of the call, update the lead status (if applicable), and log the call activity inside the lead card.

I received a random call, what’s going on?

DealMachine purchased numbers for the dialer, so we acquired numbers that had been previously used. You may receive a callback from someone who was contacted by a previous owner of the phone number. We are unable to reconnect these callers to the original person they intended to reach.

Where do I see inbound calls and texts?

All inbound calls and texts can be viewed in Dialer > Incoming Activity. This section also shows all activities (calls and SMS) from phone numbers not associated with any leads.

Watch our video on How to Use the New AI-POWERED DEALMACHINE DIALER. 📞

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