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Private Investigator Tools
Updated over 3 months ago

Usually, when it comes to skip tracing you are sent data, and then that's it...if that data doesn't work it's just a dead end. Not anymore ๐Ÿ˜ƒ now you can use all the data we have to dig deeper into finding the owner's contact information with our Private Investigator Tools.


How to use the โ€‹Private Investigator Tool:

First, go to Map and click on a property that you want to find more contact information for.

First, click on a property you are wanting to find more contact info on.

Here we can see the Mailing address is "Mitchell".

The Associated Contact is "Barbara" who is probably related to Mitchell or A but let's see if we can find Mitchell.

Click on the private investigator Icon on the Property Card to access our PI Tools.

The first one on the list is Mitchell and he looks to live in KY so there is a good chance that he is possibly the contact we are looking for.

You can see there are other Mitchell's as well but they will show in different states so this is where we have to think about what are the odds that this person is the one we are looking for.

When we click the "Mitchell" Contact card, we can see all the demographic and contact information for them.

If I'm feeling good about this lead I would then go down to the bottom of the contact card and "Link Contact" to this property, so I know that this is a possible contact for the property.

You can always "Unlink Contact" if you find out that it isn't the person you are looking for.

Note: You can link more than 1 contact for each property card.

That's it! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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