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All CollectionsDealMachine AI-Powered Dialer
DealMachine Dialer: Dialer Menu
DealMachine Dialer: Dialer Menu
Updated over a week ago

The Dialer Menu houses the table showing the number of calls made and the call results, the follow-up queue, the outgoing and incoming activities, and the dialer sessions.

To access the Dialer Menu, click Dialer.

Click on Dialer

Filter the calls by team member by clicking the "Showing All Calls" option at the top.

Click on Showing All Calls…

You may also modify the date range by clicking the date filter beside the team member filter.

Click on May 10th - May 14th…

View all outbound calls by clicking Outgoing Activity at the bottom of the dashboard.

Click on Outgoing Activity

View all inbound calls and texts by clicking Incoming Activity.

Click on Incoming Activity

Dialer Sessions are made when you call more than 1 contact. To view all your Dialer Sessions, click Dialer Sessions. Click each call session to view the calls made during that session.

Click on Dialer Sessions

The follow-up queue is on the right side of the screen. Search for contacts using their name, phone number, or property address.

Click on search

You may filter the follow-up queue by the person who last called them. Click "Team Follow-Up Queue" and select the name of your team member.

Click on Team Follow-Up Queue…

You may call someone from the follow-up queue by clicking the call button next to their information. If you wish to remove them from the follow-up queue, view the contact details, or view the property information that the contact is associated with, click the three dots beside the call button to access the View Property, View Contact, and Remove from Foll-Up Queue options.

You may also click View Note beside the "last called date" to see the last call summary.

Click on check_circle…

Instead of making one-off calls, you may call all the contacts in the follow-up queue by clicking Start Session.

Click on Start dialer session?…

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