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DealMachine Dialer: Can I scrub phone numbers and contacts before calling?
DealMachine Dialer: Can I scrub phone numbers and contacts before calling?
Updated over a week ago

It is important to configure your Queue Settings before calling contacts to determine which contacts and/or phone numbers will be included in your queue.

To configure your settings, go to Account & Settings by clicking your picture (your initials if you have not uploaded a picture yet) at the top right corner.

Click on JP

Click Application Settings.

Click on Application Settings…

Click Dialer Settings.

Click on Dialer Settings…

From here you may toggle on/off options depending on your personal preference.

Select the associated contacts that you would like to include in your call queue.

Click on check_box…

Toggle on Scrub DNC to exclude phone numbers that are on the federal Do Not Call list from your call queue.

Click on toggle_off…

Toggle on Scrub Landline to exclude landline numbers from your call queue.

Click on toggle_off…

Toggle on Scrub Wireless to exclude wireless phone numbers from your call queue.

Make sure to save your changes by clicking Confirm Changes.

"Scrub DNC" Dialer Setting Enabled by Default

For new accounts, the "Scrub DNC" feature is now automatically turned on in the dialer settings. This helps prevent calls to numbers on the Do Not Call list right from the start, minimizing the risk of complaints about users' calling behavior.

Call Limits Per Phone Number

To reduce the risk of complaints about excessive calls, we’ve set a daily limit on how often a team can call a single phone number.

  • If there’s "no answer", a "voicemail", or the person is "not interested", a team can call the same number up to 2 times per day.

  • For "warm leads", "hot leads", or when an "appointment is set", the limit is 3 calls per day to the same number.

  • If you get a response, the call limit resets for that day.

  • You cannot call the same person twice within five minutes, unless they call you first.

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